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Today's Top 5 Trending

China Ends One-Child Policy

The Chinese government will allow all couples to have two children as a ‘response to an ageing population’ and amid concerns over economy. -- The Guardian

Markey Calls Chemical Reform Senate Standoff 'Nothing Short of Absurd'

Senators took to the floor yet again today to talk about the standoff between a vote on a clean TSCA-reform bill and permanent reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Act. Sen. Edward Markey (D-Mass.) called the situation “nothing short of absurd.” -- Bloomberg BNA

EPA To Mandate Disclosures on Chemical Releases From Gas Processing Plants

The agency committed to writing new regulations requiring gas processing plants to report the information to the government’s Toxics Release Inventory in a letter to environmental groups that have been pursuing the disclosure since 2012. But the EPA denied the environmentalists’ plea to impose the disclosure mandates more broadly on other parts of the oil and gas extraction sector, with the agency specifically rejecting potential chemical reporting about pipelines, compressor stations and wells themselves. -- Fuelfix

Olympic Sailing in Rio Still Planned for Polluted Guanabara Bay

The world governing body for sailing is expected to announce this week that it is tentatively sticking to plans to hold races in next year’s Summer Olympics inside highly polluted Guanabara Bay, yet will keep the option open to moving the courses. -- The New York Times

African Vultures Targeted By Poachers Are Headed for Extinction

Africa's vultures are vanishing, according to a report released on Thursday, a situation that could affect human health and livestock since populations of other scavengers such as rats and jackals could rise as a result. The assessment, carried out by conservation group BirdLife International, found that six of Africa's 11 vulture species were at risk of extinction. -- Reuters